HC Deb 15 December 1943 vol 395 cc1540-1
43. Sir Charles Edwards

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether he is aware that men living at Aberbargoed and working elsewhere lost a day on 2nd November owing to the omnibus not running; that application was made to the Red and White Omnibus Service, Limited, for payment for this day and that they disclaim any liability for such losses; what redress will be afforded to these men for loss of wages brought about through no fault of their own; and will he ensure that a reliable service be maintained so that this loss of production and wages shall not occur again?

Mr. Noel-Baker

I am informed that on 2nd November one omnibus, which is operated under contract, broke down. Owing to sickness among the drivers, there was some difficulty in providing a relief; but in fact a vehicle arrived in Aberbargoed at 7 a.m. The Aberbargoed men, however, did not wait for this vehicle, nor did they follow the standing instruction to telephone to the omnibus company's office in case of need. If they had waited for the relief omnibus, or if they had travelled by other means, they would have received wages for lost time up to one hour, and would have been reimbursed for any extra fare which they had paid. I am assured that the services operated by this Company are, normally, quite reliable.