HC Deb 14 December 1943 vol 395 c1400
80. Mr. Thorne

asked the Attorney-General the total number of matrimonial cases where decrees nisi were made absolute for the year ended December, 1942, and for the 11 months ended November, 1943?

The Attorney-General (Sir Donald Somervell)

Seven thousand, six hundred and forty-five decrees absolute were pronounced during the year ended December, 1942; and 9,210 decrees absolute have been pronounced during the 11 months ended November, 1943.

Mr. Thorne

What is the reason for these divorces?

The Attorney-General

That is beyond me; but there is no doubt that war conditions result in more divorces than occur in peace-time.

Mr. Thorne

Will the Attorney-General be good enough to send some of the women to me for advice?