HC Deb 04 August 1943 vol 391 cc2282-3
31. Sir Douglas Thomson

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether, in view of the appointment of the Director of Alternative Motor Fuels as Regional Transport Commissioner for the Eastern Region, it is proposed to abolish the former office?

Mr. Noel-Baker

As I informed my hon. Friend in answer to a Question on 29th June, the whole position is being reviewed, and new arrangements will shortly be made.

Sir D. Thomson

Can the hon. Gentleman assure the House that the creation of this post of Director of Alternative Motor Fuels is not designed merely to find a job for someone?

Mr. Noel-Baker

I can certainly give that assurance.

Major Lyons

Can the hon. Gentleman say whether the gentleman appointed to this post in the Eastern counties is getting both appointments, one in London and the other in the Eastern counties?

Mr. Noel-Baker

Yes, but that is at our request. It is very hard work for him, but it is to the public advantage.

32. Major Manningham-Buller

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport whether Regional Transport Commissioners, other than the Commissioner for the Eastern Region, are allowed by their terms of employment to hold other offices?

Mr. Noel-Baker

Regional Transport Commissioners are required by the terms of their appointment to devote the whole of their time to the duties of their post, but, as a temporary arrangement, the recently appointed Commissioner for the Eastern Region has continued to supervise a piece of special work on which he was previously engaged. As I have just informed the lion. Baronet the Member for South Aberdeen (Sir D. Thomson), this arrangement will shortly come to an end.

33. Captain Crowder

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of War Transport what qualifications the Regional Transport Commissioner for the Eastern region has for this post?

Mr. Noel-Baker

Sir Alfred Faulkner has had many years of administrative experience, including experience in various branches of transport.

Captain Crowder

Can the hon. Gentleman say what is the age of this gentleman?

Mr. Noel-Baker

Not without notice, but I think he is of suitable age for the duty he is performing.

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