HC Deb 04 August 1943 vol 391 c2272
Mr. Boothby

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the agreement which has been reached between Generals de Gaulle and Giraud and the appointment of General Giraud as Commander-in-Chief and of General Legentilhomme as War Minister, His Majesty's Government will now accord de facto recognition to the French Committee of National Liberation?

11. Mr. Hammersley

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the recent arrangements, His Majesty's Government will now recognise the French Committee of National Liberation?

Mr. Eden

I welcome the arrangements referred to as representing a still further contribution to French unity and to the concentration of French efforts in the war. His Majesty's Government are in consultation with the major Allied Governments on the question of recognition. I cannot say any more at present.

Mr. Boothby

Is my right hon. Friend aware that many people would be very glad to see recognition accorded to the French National Committee at the earliest possible time?

Mr. Eden

I am aware of that feeling, but I also think the House will feel that it is desirable to try to do this together with all the principal Allied Powers.

Mr. Hammersley

Has not our recent experience shown the desirability of having a recognised authority with whom to deal on behalf of the liberated peoples, and is it not desirable to get that authority recognised as soon as possible?

Mr. Eden

I do not understand my hon. Friend's comparison. In this case we are dealing with a friendly Power.

Mr. Astor

Can my right hon. Friend give any indication when he will be able to make a statement?

Mr. Eden

I cannot.