HC Deb 03 August 1943 vol 391 c2069
18. Captain C. S. Taylor

asked the President of the Board of Trade what is the meaning of the words "ceiling price" in the Explanatory Note to the Goods and Services (Price Control) Utility Bedding Order (S.R. & O. No. 881 of 1943), having regard to the fact that the words "ceiling price" do not occur in the Order, despite the fact that the Order contains definitions of the words "maximum price" and the word "price"?

Mr. Dalton

"Ceiling price" is a term well-known to the trade and means the same as the "overriding maximum" price, referred to in the Schedules to this Order.

Captain Taylor

Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind that these explanatory memoranda are meant to throw light upon a technical document and, if the explanatory memorandum is as technical as the document itself, there is no point in issuing it?

Mr. Dalton

The expression "ceiling price" has almost ceased to be technical.

Sir H. Williams

Does it mean the same as maximum price?

Mr. Dalton

It means the same as the overriding maximum, which is a technical term. Ceiling price is shorter, and I prefer to keep the explanatory memoranda as terse as I can.