§ The Minister of Health (Mr. Ernest Brown)The Secretary of State for Scotland and I have, in connection with the proposals for a comprehensive health service, had under consideration the question of dentistry, and I am now able, with your permission, Sir, to inform the House of the conclusions reached. The supply of dentists and the arrangements under which their services can be made available must be important factors in determining the extent and form of the provision to be made for the inclusion of dental treatment 815 as a part of a comprehensive health service. Accordingly, before formulating any proposals, we think it desirable to have the best possible advice on these and other important aspects of the problem, and have decided to appoint a Committee for that purpose. I am glad to be able to inform the House that Lord Teviot has agreed to act as Chairman of the Committee and, with permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the names of the members of the Committee and its terms of reference.
§ Mr. MathersWill that involve trying to stabilise the position in these times by stopping the call-up of dentists and their mechanics to the Forces?
§ Following are the particulars: