HC Deb 06 April 1943 vol 388 cc496-7
67. Major Kimball

asked the right hon. and gallant Member for Rye, as representing the Forestry Commissioners, whether he will state for England and Wales and for Scotland, separately, the total area of woodland; the total area under the charge of the Forestry Commission; the planted area under the charge of the Forestry Commission and the areas still to be afforested; and the estimated area in Scotland which is unsuitable for afforestation?

Colonel Sir George Courthope (Forestry Commissioner)

The total area of woodland, in England and Wales, according to the latest estimate is 2,040,000 acres and in Scotland 1,040,000 acres. The total area in England and Wales under the charge of the Forestry Commission is 629,000 acres and in Scotland 603,000. These figures include (a) planted area in England and Wales 325,000 acres and in Scotland 183,000, (b) area still to be afforested in England and Wales 139,000 acres and in Scotland 118,000, and (c) area unsuitable for afforestation 165,000 acres in England and Wales and 302,000 in Scotland of which 280,000 acres are too poor for afforestation.

Major Kimball

Are those figures a correction or an amplification of the figures which my right hon. and gallant Friend gave on 2nd February in reply to a Question by the hon. and gallant Member for Argyll (Major McCallum)?

Sir G. Courthope

They are a clarification and an amplification.

Mr. John Dugdale

How much of this is hard wood and how much soft wood?

Sir G. Courthope

I could not say without notice.