HC Deb 29 September 1942 vol 383 cc659-60
33. Mr. Storey

asked the Secretary of State for War whether the committee to consider the position of Voluntary Aid Detachments in relation to the Services has yet been set up, and whether he will state the composition of the committee?

Sir J. Grigg

Arrangements for setting up the committee have just been completed. The agreed terms of reference are: To consider the scope and method of employment of Mobile Voluntary Aid Detachments by, and their relationship to, the Services. My right hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Kelvingrove (Lieut.-Colonel Elliot) has agreed to be Chairman; and a representative has been nominated by each of the three Service Departments, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labour and National Service, the British Red Cross Society, the Order of St. John of Jerusalem and the Council of County Territorial Associations.

In addition to these representatives of the Government Departments and organisations concerned the Chairman has suggested that Mrs. J. L. Stocks, who, was a member of the recent Committee on Amenities and Welfare in' the Women's Services, should serve, in order that the Voluntary Aid Detachments Committee may have the benefit of the experience of that Committee. I am glad to say that Mrs. Stocks has accepted the invitation.

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