HC Deb 09 September 1942 vol 383 c132
17. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Minister of Information whether he has utilised the number of civilian casualties caused by air raids in this country, in Spain, in the Axis invasion of European countries and in Germany and Italy, and other facts respecting the full effect of devastation, the indiscriminate nature of aerial warfare, the responsibility for its continuance and the cumulative menace to European civilisation, to impress on German, Italian and other peoples of Europe the imperative necessity of abolishing or restricting aerial warfare through an international authority; and whether he will emphasise to the German and Italian peoples that the overthrow of their Governments will also secure the abolition of aerial warfare?

Mr. Bracken

We have done everything in our power to make known to the peoples ruled by the Axis Governments the full extent of the suffering those Governments have brought upon the world; and our efforts have been powerfully reinforced by the operations of the Bomber Command of the Royal Air Force.

Mr. Sorensen

Does the right hon. Gentleman not agree that if we continue the good work of impressing upon the people of Europe that at the end of the war aerial warfare will be abolished it will make a great appeal to common folk both in the Axis countries and elsewhere?

Mr. Bracken

The Air Chief Marshal and I are working on joint account in bringing those lessons home.