HC Deb 08 September 1942 vol 383 cc8-9
7. Sir John Mellor

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power, what contractor is employed by him to unload and stack coal at the Solihull reserve dump; what previous experience this contractor has had; and what is the method of remuneration.

Major Lloyd George

Coal is being stacked at the Solihull site by Messrs. Winston Bros. Ltd., contractors, of 197, Bristol Road, Birmingham, 5, under a contract with my Ministry which provides for the, payment of a fixed rate per ton stacked, with other provisions covering transport and maintenance of the mechanical plant used. The contractor, who is experienced in mechanical handling of this nature, was engaged after exhaustive inquiries had failed to secure the services of a coal merchant to handle the necessary tonnage at a comparable price.

Sir J. Mellor

Is my right hon. and gallant Friend aware that not less than a sixth of the railway wagons which have been unloaded at the Solihull dump have been damaged by this contractor?

Major Lloyd George

I have no information of that at all, but I have knowledge that it was not possible to get any coal merchant to undertake the work at anything like the price at which this contractor accepted it.

Sir J. Mellor

Is my right hon. and gallant Friend satisfied that this unloading is being done in an economical manner?

Major Lloyd George

I am satisfied that the dump is being filled.

Sir J. Mellor

Has my right hon. and gallant Friend made inquiries as to the methods employed?