HC Deb 21 October 1942 vol 383 c1941
Mr. Speaker

I have to inform the House that there has been addressed to this House a Message passed unanimously by the Peruvian Chamber of Deputies, conveying its most cordial greetings and sincerest expressions of solidarity to the House of Commons, and wishing to put on record its admiration and sympathy for the British Commonwealth, which defends so heroically justice and liberty, when the fundamental bases of civilisation are opposed by the gravest threat in history; and that in presenting its Message to the House of Commons the Peruvian Chamber of Deputies ratifies its trust in the preservation of the institutions which guarantee world-wide security, being assured of the victory of humanity over the dissolvent forces of barbarism.

The House will perhaps authorise me to transmit a suitable reply expressing our satisfaction with this cordial message and reciprocating its good wishes.

HON. MEMBERS: Hear, hear.

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