HC Deb 21 October 1942 vol 383 c1953
23. Mr. William Brown

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the explanation of the delay experienced by the Civil Service Clerical Association in securing Admiralty agreement to terms of reference for arbitration on the question of the war bonus of the locally-entered staff at Malta, following on the unanimous rejection by the locally-entered staff of the new scheme introduced by the Admiralty?

Mr. Alexander

In view of representations received locally from the staffs concerned the new bonus scheme to which the hon. Member refers has not been put into force, and further discussions have been taking place between the Governor of Malta, local representatives of the Service Departments and representatives of the local staffs. In these circumstances it seems desirable to await the outcome of those discussions on the spot.

Mr. Brown

Is not the Minister aware that this issue of giving the Maltese civil servants some relief for the greatly increased cost of living they have had to bear has now been under discussion for 18 months? Instead of sending, George Crosses to Malta, will the Minister see that the grievances of this staff overseas are given reasonable consideration?

Mr. Alexander

It is only because the hon. Member's own association, with which he has long been connected, did not accept the improved offer made that the improved offer is not now in operation, but, as a result of reconsideration, I understand the Governor has approved still further increases. I believe they were to have been announced yesterday, but perhaps the hon. Member will wait until he has seen the details before putting a further Question.

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