HC Deb 20 October 1942 vol 383 c1822
31. Mr. Murray

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he is aware that the poor people in the Brandon and By-shottles Urban District Council area have already had their coal allowance cut; and what remedy he proposes to deal with this situation?

Mr. T. Smith

As has already been announced, a new scheme came into operation on 5th October under which supplies of house coal allocated to depots are apportioned on the basis of merchants' registrations. These arrangements are designed to secure equitable distribution among merchants of the available supplies of house coal, and although some readjustment of previous supplies must inevitably result, I am satisfied that the new arrangements will not cause hardship in the area to which my hon. Friend refers.

Mr. Murray

Is my hon. Friend aware that in some of these cases the allowance is only 12 stones of coal per week, and does he consider that is sufficient to heat a home having four, five, six or seven rooms and also to do all the cooking for four, five, six, seven or eight people in a family?

Mr. Smith

I have not heard that that amount has been distributed, but if my hon. Friend will give me particulars, I will look into the matter.

Mr. Murray

I will, because a certain merchant supplier has had his supply reduced by three tons eight cwts. while his consumers have been increased by 39.

Mr. Smith

Let me have particulars.