HC Deb 15 October 1942 vol 383 cc1769-70
The Prime Minister

As the House is aware, Field Marshal Smuts, Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa and a member of the United Kingdom War Cabinet in the last war, has arrived in London. We were sure that Parliament would like to have an opportunity of meeting this illustrious statesman and soldier while in this country. He has kindly consented to address Members of both Houses on an early occasion. The date, hour and place will be imparted to the House in Secret Session in a few minutes by the Lord Privy Seal. I hope that all Members will make arrangements to be present.

Sir P. Harris

Will the Press be admitted, and is it proposed to broadcast the speech?

The Prime Minister

Yes, that was the idea, that the Field Marshal should have an opportunity of speaking not only to us but to the world.

Mr. Thorne

Why not have it in the open Chamber?

The Prime Minister

We have to provide for the other House as well, and various points would arise. I think the statement about to be made when we go into Secret Session will answer the hon. Member's question.