HC Deb 20 May 1942 vol 380 cc226-7
47. Captain Crowder

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware of the extra work which will be thrown on confectioners in filling up forms and the collection and despatch of coupons to local food offices under the proposed scheme for the rationing of sweets; and whether he will consider the introduction of alternative proposals which would ensure the equitable distribution of available supplies without the use of coupons and the consequent clerical work?

Major Lloyd George

I am aware that some extra work will be involved in connection with the rationing of confectionery. I believe that this is fully justified in the interests of the consumer; and the fact that this view is shared by the public is shown by the reception accorded to the proposal. My Noble. Friend is satisfied that the present proposals are those best calculated to secure equitable distribution, with due regard to the interests of the industry.

Captain Crowder

Will my right hon. and gallant Friend consider making some arrangement whereby school children might buy small amounts of sweets without coupons, which would mean a tremendous lot to them?

Major Lloyd George

I am prepared to consider the proposal which my hon. and gallant Friend has put forward, but I do not think very much can be done about it.

53. Sir L. Lyle

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food the figure of the amount of chocolate consumed per head of population in 1937 or 1938?

Major Lloyd George

The estimated weekly consumption of chocolate and sugar confectionery in 1938 was six-and-a-quarter ounces, divided in approximately equal proportions between chocolate and sugar confectionery.

Sir L. Lyle

In view of that infinitesimal amount of 6¼ ounces, does the Minister think that all this rationing of sweets and the cost involved are worth while?

Major Lloyd George

Six and a quarter ounces may be very small, but it is three times the tea ration, and multiplied by 45,000,000 people it comes to a very large total, as my hon. Friend will find if he cares to work it out—and I will help him after Question Time, if he likes.

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