17. Dr. Russell Thomasasked the Secretary for Petroleum whether he has now completed his review of the administration and organisation of his regional petroleum office at Reading.
§ The Secretary for Petroleum (Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd)Yes, Sir. The administration and organisation of all divisional petroleum offices have been reviewed recently, and I am now considering various suggestions for improvement.
Dr. ThomasWhilst thanking my hon. Friend for investigating his very unsatisfactory office at Reading, may I ask if he will see that firms working for the Government in the southern area do not recklessly distribute petrol coupons to workmen in order to allow them to travel double journeys of 30 to 40 miles per day each way and for whom billets could be arranged near their work?
§ Mr. LloydThat is one point that is under consideration. The office has been much handicapped by difficulties which have now been overcome.