HC Deb 19 May 1942 vol 380 c19
36. Mr. Tinker

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will make it more generally known to those serving in the Army what leaves they are entitled to and the conditions attaching thereto, as it appears, from letters sent by them, they are not fully conversant with these?

Sir J. Grigg

A consolidating Instruction, setting out the conditions of leave in full, has just been issued. This should ensure that all officers and warrant officers understand them and it will be for them to make the position clear to their men.

Mr. Tinker

I suppose that that will be in Army Orders?

Sir J. Grigg

It will be an Army Council Instruction.

Mr. Bellenger

Will my right hon. Friend consider issuing this as an Army Order, because the troops do not generally see Army Council Instructions?

Sir J. Grigg

They can find out what their position is with regard to leave without having to plough through a consolidating Instruction consisting of a dozen pages.

Sir W. Davison

Will it be available to Members of Parliament?

Sir J. Grigg

There is another Question on that point on the Order Paper which will be answered later on.