HC Deb 24 March 1942 vol 378 cc1803-4
46. Sir Henry Morris-Jones

asked the Prime Minister whether consideration has been given by the Government to the representations recently made by a deputation from the Welsh Parliamentary Party in regard to proper recognition being given to the special problems of Wales and the Welsh people in our present war effort and in future reconstruction proposals?

Mr. Attlee

Yes, Sir. The following directive is being issued to Government Departments:

"The War Cabinet were recently informed that complaints had been received from a number of Welsh Members of Parliament that adequate attention was not paid to giving representation on committees, advisory councils and similar bodies, to Welsh men and women. In some cases the special interests of Wales require the setting up of a special committee or organisation for this part of the United Kingdom. Where this is not necessary, Departments concerned in setting up committees or advisory bodies should in all cases give special consideration to the inclusion of a representative or representatives of Wales with a bias in favour of such inclusion unless the considerations of administrative convenience are strongly against this course. In arms, where Welsh units exist, every effort should be made to post persons from Wales, especially when they are unilingual, to Welsh units. Unless security grounds render it undesirable, they should be allowed to send and receive letters in the Welsh language."

The War Cabinet directed that this reminder should be brought to the notice of officers responsible for arranging the personnel of committees, advisory councils and similar bodies.

Sir H. Morris-Jones

While thanking the right hon. Gentler; an for the consideration which the Government have given to the representations made to them, may I ask him whether he is aware that the statement which he has made will, if carried out in practice, further stimulate the already considerable effort made by Wales against the oppressors of small nations?

Mr. Mainwaring

Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind that Wales is not likely to be satisfied if the persons appointed are not resident in Wales but are composed of alleged Welshmen who live a long way from the Fatherland?