HC Deb 17 March 1942 vol 378 cc1318-9
38. Mr. Bellenger

asked the Undersecretary of State for War what emoluments are being paid to each of the in- dividuals comprising the Board of Management of the Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes; and whether all the six members of the board are employed whole time on duties connected with the Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes?

Mr. Sandys

The civilian members are paid nothing but are refunded any out-of-pocket expenses. The Service members get service pay and allowances with no addition for this work. The military member is a retired officer and has waived the difference between his military pay and his pension. The Chairman and the military and Air Force members work full time; the Deputy-Chairman normally works part time, but full time when required; the third civilian member works part time; and the Naval member's work is part time and incidental to his normal duties as a Naval Paymaster Captain.

Mr. Shinwell

Is it true that the Chairman of this organisation receives £8,000 per annum?

Mr. Sandys

I am told not.

Mr. Shinwell

How much does he receive?

Mr. Sandys

In my answer I said that the civilian members are paid nothing but are allowed out-of-pocket expenses.

Mr. Bellenger

Is not the Chairman connected with Unilevers, and in all probability is drawing some emolument, and does the hon. Gentleman think that the chairmanship of such a wide organisation as this should be occupied by a man who is not paid and has no responsibility to N.A.A.F.I. but to a private firm?

Sir Percy Harris

Does not my hon. Friend think that the best man obtainable should be found for this important position irrespective of whether he has an income or not?

39. Mr. Bellenger

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War why no representatives of the non-commissioned and other ranks are attached to the headquarters of the Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes as is done by the Royal Navy?

Mr. Sandys

This proposal has been made in a recent report by the Select Committee on National Expenditure and is being considered.