HC Deb 12 March 1942 vol 378 c1193
44. Sir Smedley Crooke

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been drawn to the scheme for solving some of the present difficulties arising from the complicated form of Income Tax paid by wage-earners, of which particulars have been supplied to him; and whether, in view of the fact that the proposed scheme is intended to adjust present difficulties, and enables the wage-earner to pay Income Tax on current earnings, resulting in no loss to the Treasury, he will consider the scheme with a view to adopting some of its features in the forthcoming Finance Bill?

Sir K. Wood

The whole subject of the deduction of Income Tax from wages is being examined, and various suggestions, including the one referred to by my hon. Friend, are receiving careful consideration. I cannot, however, anticipate my Budget statement on this matter.

Sir Smedley Crooke

Will my right hon. Friend consider the advisability of issuing cards or vouchers to these taxpayers, either monthly or quarterly, stating exactly the amount credited to them for post-war distribution?

Sir K. Wood

That is a matter that is being examined.

Sir Smedley Crooke

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the issue of something of the kind would remove present doubts and misgivings?

Sir P. Hannon

Surely there is some document which must be given to a man to enable him to know what will stand to his credit when the war is over?

Sir K. Wood

That is another matter.

Mr. Stokes

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the stimulating effect it would have on people if he announced that there will be a change in the incidence of Income Tax on weekly wages to be collected out of earnings?

Sir K. Wood

I could make a change with regard to other sections of the community, no doubt.