HC Deb 03 March 1942 vol 378 c498
17. Mr. Woodburn

asked the Under secretary of State for War whether, in view of possible invasion, he will make it obligatory that commanding officers should not reside more than six miles from their commands; and whether he is aware that the keenness of the Army depends upon the utmost efficiency in the command?

Mr. Sandys

It is already the general practice for commanding officers of field formations to live either at or near their headquarters, and I do not consider that any special instructions on this subject are necessary.

Mr. Woodburn

Is not the Minister aware that great lack of confidence is caused when commanding officers seem to take their duties so leisurely as to live at great distances from their units, and is it not desirable that some instruction should be issued of a more definite character?

Mr. Sandys

I agree with the hon. Member that commanding officers should live at or very near their headquarters.

Mr. Mathers

Does the Minister include Home Guard officers in the statement which he has just made?

Mr. Sandys

The Question refers to the Regular Army.