HC Deb 30 June 1942 vol 381 cc22-4

The following Question stood upon the Order Paper in the name of Sir RALPH GLYN:

40. To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will consult with the General Officer in Command of the London District, the Chief Commissioner of Police, and other officials concerned, in order to reopen the direct communication under cover to the Underground Station at Westminster from the Palace of Westminster, seeing that the shortage of motor fuel will greatly restrict the use of motor-cars and taxi-cabs and make it difficult for honourable Members to attend at Westminster unless the normal facilities of the Underground Railways are available?

Sir R. Glyn

May I have my Question answered, Mr. Speaker?

Mr. Speaker

I understood that it had been cancelled.

Sir R. Glyn

I have had no information of that kind, and may I put my Question?

Mr. Speaker

Sir Ralph Glyn.

The Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Peake)

A communication has been sent to my hon. Friend informing him that this is not a Question for which any Government Department is responsible and that it is a Committee of the House of Commons which decided that this passage should be closed, and for that reason it was suggested that his Question should be withdrawn from the Paper.

Sir R. Glyn

May Members not be informed or given notice if it is the intention of the Executive to prevent Members of Parliament putting Questions?

Mr. Speaker

The only intimation I have had is that the Question was cancelled.

Mr. Shinwell

If this is a Question involving security, is it not, therefore, a matter for the Home Office?

Sir R. Glyn

May I give notice to raise this matter on a future occasion, as it involves a question of great principle?

Mr. Garro Jones

On a point of Order, Mr. Speaker. Seeing that this is a matter concerning the Palace of Westminster, would it be possible for you to give guidance to the House about a matter upon which a great many hon. Members have felt concern for some time, either as to which Minister is responsible or whether you are prepared to give information to the House as to what course hon. Members should pursue if they want this entrance to be reopened?

Sir W. Davison

What Committee is dealing with this matter?

Mr. Speaker

I cannot give an answer to the hon. Member for North Aberdeen (Mr. Garro Jones) on the spur of the moment because there are many questions involved when it is a matter of responsibility for the Palace of Westminster.

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