HC Deb 23 June 1942 vol 380 c1809
39 and 40. Mr. Evelyn Walkden

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power (1) what methods have been adopted to convert to proper use the net daily surplus of sludge gas up to 150,000 cubic feet produced by the sludge digestion plant at a place of which he has been informed; and to how many gallons of petrol this fuel, when compressed, is equal; and

(2) whether he has any authentic or up-to-date statistics of local authorities or sewage boards now operating sludge digestion plants; how much sludge gas is being produced, used or wasted; and how many have not devised ways or means of utilising all their output of sludge gas?

Major Lloyd George

The use of methane from sewage works has been carefully examined since the outbreak of war, but I am advised that it would not be in the national interest to give publicly the information for which my hon. Friend asks. I will, however, communicate with him on the subject.

Mr. Walkden

In view of the fact that information from Germany is published in the various technical journals, and also that in one of our large cities we are running various types of vehicles, including omnibuses, on this type of methane gas, could we not copy some of the German methods and conserve millions of cubic feet of gas per week?

Major Lloyd George

Perhaps my hon. Friend will communicate with me afterwards.