HC Deb 11 June 1942 vol 380 c1233
32. Dr. Edith Summerskill

asked the Minister of Health how many local authorities instruct their midwives in the use of an anaesthetic for the purpose of relieving pain at childbirth; and how many fail to exercise their powers in this respect?

Mr. E. Brown

Out of 188 local supervising authorities in England and Wales, 61 had made arrangements, before 31st December, 1941, for the instruction of their midwives in the administration of analgesics at childbirth.

Dr. Summerskill

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider circularising the backward authorities with a view to pressing them to adopt more humanitarian means of conducting confinements in the country?

Mr. Brown

I will look into the matter and consider it.

Sir Francis Fremantle

Is not this part of the regular training of midwives, and, if not, will the Minister see that it is introduced?