HC Deb 10 June 1942 vol 380 cc1046-7
51. Mr. Watkins

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that potatoes appropriate for cattle feeding have been used recently for human consumption while large stocks of better quality potatoes have been retained in clamps with the result that they are now in danger of rotting before labour is available for riddling them; and whether he will take steps to prevent any waste resulting?

Major Lloyd George

The maximum use has been made of available supplies of old potatoes by directing shorter-lived stocks into human consumption before reserves of longer-keeping supplies have been released for consumption. Due regard has also been given to the labour available for preparing supplies for market so as to minimise the risk of wastage.

52. Mr. Watkins

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what quantities of potatoes have been condemned, after transport, at the point of distribution by sanitary inspectors and other officials; and what is the cause of this waste of food?

Major Lloyd George

I regret that I am not in a position to reply to my hon. Friend's Question. I will communicate with him directly information is available.

Mr. Watkins

Will my right hon. and gallant Friend make some inquiries in Woking and Kew, for instance, where there has been a large wastage of food?

Major Lloyd George

I most certainly will, but I would remind my hon. Friend that it is the duty of the sanitary inspectors to inform us if there is any wastage and to inform our salvage officers. I have had no information up to date.