HC Deb 10 June 1942 vol 380 cc1066-7
Mr. Arthur Greenwood

May I ask the Leader of the House whether, in order to extend the time of the Debate on coal, he will move the suspension of the Rule to-day?

The Lord Privy Seal (Sir Stafford Cripps)

Yes, Sir; I propose with your permission to move a Motion to that effect.

Mr. Garro Jones

May I ask, Sir, whether you can give any indication which of the Amendments on the Paper you propose to call, particularly in view of the fact that some of them stand in the names of 30 or 40 hon. Members, and it may be a convenience to those who have their names to Amendments and other hon. Members to know what time they are likely' to come up for discussion?

Mr. Maxton

When you are considering this question, may I ask you, Sir, not to consider it entirely with regard to the quantity of names? One would have imagined that the point of view of the supporters of the Government would be adequately expressed by the Government's Motion. I hope that you will consider those Amendments which are critical rather than those which come from supporting elements on the Government side of the House.

Mr. Speaker

All relevant considerations will be borne in mind. I do not propose to call any Amendments to-day, at any rate, and it depends on the course of the Debate whether I call any on the second day. I understand that a great many Members during this Debate will desire to catch my eye. There is only one way of being able to do that, and that is to make the speeches short. On many occasions I have made this appeal to the House, with not very much success. May I make one more appeal on this occasion that Members should limit the length of their speeches?

Sir L. Lyle

Will Ministers also make their speeches short?

Mr. Levy

Apropos of what you, Sir, Very properly said with regard to the shortness of speeches, I was wondering whether you would be good enough to suggest what was your conception of shortness. Would you say that 10 minutes or 15 minutes is a short time so as to give some indication to the Front Bench?