HC Deb 04 June 1942 vol 380 c797
25. Mr. Bowles

asked the Home Secretary whether, in order to give police war reservists and full-time special constables a right of appeal against dismissal, similar to that enjoyed by members of the National Fire Service, he will amend the Temporary Constables (Emergency) Rules, 1942, and the Special Constables Order, 1923.

Mr. H. Morrison

So far as I know, no cases have arisen to suggest any need for an appeal procedure for Police War Reservists and full-time Special Constables If, however, my hon. Friend has any specific cases in mind, I should be glad to look into them.

Mr. Bowles

While thanking my right hon. Friend for that answer, may I ask what is the basis of the anomalous position in which right of appeal against dismissal by chief constables or senior officers is granted so far as borough police and the members of the National Fire Service are concerned, but there is no right of appeal so far as county police are concerned and, in the City of London, police constables and special constables?

Mr. Morrison

The fundamental difference is that, in the case of the National Fire Service, I am the employer of the whole of the personnel, whereas in the case of the police the employer is the local authority.