§ 40. Mr. Manderasked the Minister of Health whether he will consider the advisability of amending the regulations governing the position of those discharged from His Majesty's Forces with pensions, laying it down that no National Health Insurance sickness benefit can be paid until 26 weeks after the man is discharged in view of the fact that those discharged fit can claim benefit immediately they become ill?
§ Mr. E. BrownThe rates of contribution payable under the National Health Insurance Acts are based on the expectation of incapacity under normal conditions and do not cover the risk of incapacity due to war service. I regret, therefore, that I am unable to propose any amendment of the specific provision 802 of the Statute whereby a person discharged from the Forces in the circumstances referred to by my hon. Friend is for a period of 26 weeks disentitled to sickness or disablement benefit if his incapacity arises from the injury or disease in respect of which he has been awarded a disability pension or allowance.