HC Deb 04 June 1942 vol 380 c803
41. Mr. Lindsay

asked the Minister of Health whether the present billeting allow ance covers the cost of food at a camp school; and, if not, which Department or authority supplies the additional amount?

Mr. E. Brown

Billeting allowances as such are not paid in respect of children accommodated at camps under the management of the National Camps Corporation. The cost to the corporation of the maintenance of these children is recovered by the corporation from the local education authorities concerned, and to the extent that the expenditure is not recovered from parents it is reimbursed by my Department as an evacuation expense.

Mr. Lindsay

Would it be true to say that the local education authority themselves finance the boarding element in the schools?

Mr. Brown

I would like to see that question in form.

42. Mr. Lindsay

asked the Minister of Health what are the total maintenance charges and the charge per head of ad ministering the camp schools now under the National Camps Corporation?

Mr. Brown

I regret that the information asked for is not readily available. I am communicating with the National Camps Corporation, with a view to obtaining it, and will communicate the result to my hon. Friend as soon as possible.

Mr. Lindsay

I thank the right hon. Gentleman very much. Would he also convey the information to the President of the Board of Education?

Mr. Brown

I have no doubt that he will see it, but I will do so if necessary.