HC Deb 28 July 1942 vol 382 c331
73. Mr. Bossom

asked the Minister of Information whether, now that arrangements have been made to permit British speakers to broadcast regularly in the United States of America, he will invite the United States of America to send representatives here and extend to them similar privileges for broadcasting over the British Broadcasting Corporation?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information (Mr. Thurtle)

British speakers have been heard from time to time on the radio in the United States of America, but I do not know of any new arrangements for a regular series of broadcasts by such speakers. Simi-larly, there are many leading American visitors to this country who are invited to broadcast for the British Broadcasting Corporation. My right hon. Friend is very much in favour of these exchanges and does what he can to encourage them on all occasions.

Mr. Bossom

Can my hon. Friend make some arrangement whereby there is a regular time every day when American broadcasts can be heard over the B.B.C. by our people?

Mr. Thurtle

I can give an undertaking that we will give consideration to the question.

Mr. Rhys Davies

Is it not a fact that all those who are chosen to give talks over the wireless are supporters of the Government?

Mr. Thurtle

That is certainly not the case.