HC Deb 28 July 1942 vol 382 c295

Lords Amendments considered.

The Chairman of Ways and Means (Sir Dennis Herbert)

I beg to move, "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendments."

The House may remember that this was on the Order Paper a week ago, and it was then postponed for a short time as the Lords Amendments had only then very recently been made available to Members in the usual way. I understand that those who asked for the postponement in respect of the Amendments are now satisfied, and I therefore beg to move them, and to explain them. The Amendments are roughly as follow: (1) A reduction in the area of protection of one of the promoters' wells; (2) Limitation on the promoters' powers of abstracting water; (3) The deletion of Clauses as to the breaking-up of boundary streets and as to trunk mains; (4) Various protective provisions for the benefit of the Wolverhampton Corporation, the South Staffordshire Water Company and others; (5) Other purely drafting Amendments.

Mr. Thorne

Can the right hon. Gentleman tell us whether any serious dents are made in the Bill by these Amendments?

The Chairman of Ways and Means

I am not quite sure what a serious dent is, but acting on my opinion I should say, "No."

Question put, and agreed to.