§ 22. Major Lyonsasked the Minister of Information what decision has now been reached on the question of the curtailment of hours for broadcasting in order to effect economies in light and power?
§ 28. Mr. Lewisasked the Minister of Information whether he will consider the desirability of closing down the Home programmes of the British Broadcasting Corporation at 11.30 p.m. instead of at midnight, in order to encourage people to go to bed earlier and so save coal by reducing the consumption of artificial lighting now and of heating also as the weather gets colder?
§ The Minister of Information (Mr. Brendan Bracken)My hon. Friends will appreciate that if it is decided to put their suggestion into effect, the time to do so will be in the, autumn. It raises some very important issues which are being considered but as soon as possible I will make a statement giving my hon. Friends my answer to their suggestion.
§ Major LyonsIn view of the considerations involved, will the right hon. Gentleman say by what time he expects these investigations to be made?
§ Mr. BrackenI should, say within the course of one week.
§ Mr. ThorneCan the Minister state the number of watts or kilowatts used per day by these broadcasting stations?
§ Mr. BrackenI could not say offhand.
§ Sir Frank SandersonWill the Minister bear in mind that the curtailment of broadcasting would be the worst possible form of economy?
§ Mr. MolsonHas the Minister under consideration the altering of the time of the 8 o'clock morning news as recommended by the Select Committee on National Expenditure?