HC Deb 15 July 1942 vol 381 c1227
48. Mr. Purbrick

asked the Minister of Supply the amount of overtime paid in his Department for the last month for which figures are available; whether there has been any increase in the ordinary pay as compared with the month of December, 1941; and, if so, how much?

Mr. Assheton

The total amount paid in overtime to the headquarters staff of the Ministry of Supply for the month of May, 1942, was £29,205. Certain increases in pay, common to all Government Departments, have been approved since December, 1941. If my hon. Friend wishes to have details of these increases I shall be happy to send him a note of them.

Mr. Purbrick

In view of the fact that there is an increase over what was paid six months ago, can the Minister give an explanation?

Mr. Assheton

It is because of the additional number of hours of overtime worked.

Major C. S. Taylor

Is the Minister aware that no overtime is paid in the Army?

Mr. G. Griffiths

And not in the House of Commons either.

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