HC Deb 08 July 1942 vol 381 cc767-8
47. Sir L. Lyle

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that in July, 1940, in reply to the hon. Member for Bournemouth, who asked whether the saving of one ounce of bread per day would equal the saving of 500,000 tons of shipping per year, his predecessor replied that considerable publicity was being given to this illustration; whether he can now specify the exact forms of announcement in which this information is being conveyed to the public; and what are the official figures on the point which can be accepted as accurate?

Mr. Mabane

Recent statements to the public regarding the importance of saving bread have been conveyed in the "Bread into Battle" Exhibition, which was open at Charing Cross Underground Station from 8th June to 1st July, and which is shortly to be shown at 39 sites in provincial towns; in a leaflet distributed in connection with that exhibition; in "Food Facts" advertisement No. 99, which appeared throughout the country in the week beginning 31st May; in a "Kitchen Front" broadcast on 11st June; and in a film announcement shown in over 1,000 cinemas in the week beginning 6th April. In each case the effect of saving bread upon our usage of shipping was expressed by saying that if daily waste of bread amounts to no more than ½ oz. per head of the population, this would be equivalent to 30 shiploads of flour in a year, a whole convoy. No official figure of tonnage has been published. My Noble Friend considers that for general publicity an assessment in terms of ships gives a more concrete picture than a tonnage figure.

Mr. Shinwell

If, by saving bread, we can save so much shipping space and protect our convoys to a greater extent than at present, why rely any further on voluntary appeals? Why not take drastic action?

Mr. Mabane

That is a different question and gives rise to different considerations.

Mr. George Griffiths

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the flour supplied to the housewives in the North is of an inferior quality to that supplied to the bakers?

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