HC Deb 07 July 1942 vol 381 c630
33. Mr. Willink

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that a fit and competent officer serving in a static anti-aircraft regiment was recommended on 18th March for no further employment; was given no reason, except that he was too old, appealed forthwith; was advised to obtain employment terminable in the event of his appeal being successful; was without any employment or income from 30th April and was not notified of the fate of his appeal until 20th June; and whether he proposes to amend a system which permits such injustices?

Sir J. Grigg

I regret the delay in this case which, as my hon. and learned Friend has been told, was due to the fact that, when the appeal was first made, the Army Council was not satisfied with the details given and called for a fuller report. When this was received, however, the Council decided to confirm the original classification. In any future reviews of this kind I will consider the desirability of making modifications in the procedure.

Mr. Willink

Is it not most irregular and unjust that an officer in this position should not be given notice, when he is criticised under any of the heads of which we were informed last Thursday, that there were determining factors? As to the situation as a whole, will not my right hon. Friend consider that in all cases pay and allowances should continue until appeals are determined?

Sir J. Grigg

I will certainly consider that as regards future reviews of this kind, but I do not think it would be practicable to do it in respect of the review that has just taken place.

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