HC Deb 28 January 1942 vol 377 c718
60. Mr. Colegate

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware of the difficulties arising, and likely to arise, as a consequence of the order prohibiting the transport of Shropshire potatoes by rail to South Wales for the present and of the heavy wastage which is bound to occur if the policy of the Ministry of Food of keeping the Shropshire potatoes as a summer reserve be persisted in; and whether he is prepared to arrange with the Ministry of Transport some modification of the order in question?

Major Lloyd George

I am aware that the prohibition of transport of potatoes into South Wales is causing growers in Shropshire and other counties to find alternative markets but not that the difficulties are such as to make a modification necessary. Any grower unable to find a market may offer the whole of his stocks not later than 31st March for purchase by the Ministry of Food. Early delivery will be taken of stocks showing signs of deterioration and only long-keeping potatoes will be reserved for use at the end of the season.