HC Deb 26 February 1942 vol 378 cc328-30
7. Major Lyons

asked the Minister of Labour the names, occupations and ages of the members of the Entertainments National Service Committee; the date of its establishment and by whom the members were selected; when, and at whose request it sits to hear applications for deferment or exemption from military service of music hall or theatrical artists, and to what review is it subject; the number of such persons who have received deferment or exemption through or after consideration by this committee; and whether any other, and which, committees exist to deal with these or similar requests from such persons?

Mr. Bevin

As the reply is of considerable length; I will, with my hon. Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Major Lyons

While thanking my right hon. Friend, may I ask whether he himself will keep an eye upon this and similar bodies?

Mr. Bevin

Yes, Sir, both eyes.

Following is the reply:

The following is a list of the members of the Entertainments National Service Committee:

I have no record of the ages of members of the Committee.

The Committee was established in June, 1940, by the Entertainments Industry itself to act as a central body through which applications for the deferment of calling up of individuals should be forwarded to the Ministry of Labour and National Service. The Committee does not give decisions on the applications but only makes recommendations which are not necessarily accepted. At my request the right hon. the Earl of Lytton has now accepted the chairmanship of this Committee which, in future, will deal with applications in respect of women who are liable to be called up as well as men. The Committee. meets fortnightly. Their recommendations are reviewed by the Ministry of Labour and National Service. The number of men at present deferred on the recommendation of the Committee is 199.

The only other Committee dealing with music hail or theatrical artists makes recommendations on applications for the deferment of employees of the Entertainments National Service Association. This Committee consists of the right hon. the Lord May (Chairman), Sir Robert Wood (Board of Education), and Mr. F. W. H. Smith (Ministry of Labour and National Service). The persons with whom this Committee deals are engaged in providing entertainment for the Forces and for munition workers.