HC Deb 11 February 1942 vol 377 cc1527-8
48. Sir John Mellor

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware of the inconvenience caused through many retailers declining to sell unrationed commodities, which are in short supply, except to customers of long standing; and whether he will take steps to ensure that persons, who have moved from one district to another, shall be enabled to purchase a fair share of such commodities?

Major Lloyd George

With a view to the distribution of supplies as equitably as possible retailers are authorised to reserve unrationed foods for their registered customers for rationed foods, and I have no reason to suppose that persons who have moved from one district to another are unable to register with retailers in their new districts and thus to obtain a fair proportion of unrationed foods. Moreover the recent additions to the foods rationed on the points system should facilitate purchases by such persons.

Sir J. Mellor

Does not everyone know that this practice exists, and is it not specially unfair upon those whose work requires them to be mobile?

Major Lloyd George

I am aware of it, and I have said so, but, as my hon. Friend knows, there has been a large increase of goods coming under the Points Rationing Scheme, and, therefore, there should, in general, be no difficulties, with the possible exception of vegetables and fruit. With the extension of the Points Scheme, whatever difficulties there are should be reduced.

Sir J. Mellor

How far does the Minister contemplate extending the Points Scheme?

Major Lloyd George

That is another question. Obviously our purpose is to get distribution as effective as possible, but I would point out that it is not possible to extend the Scheme to all commodities.