HC Deb 10 February 1942 vol 377 cc1385-6
35. Mr. Kennedy

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when he expects to be in a position to submit a report to the House on the proceedings at the conference held in Edinburgh, on 3rd February, when the setting up of a Scottish Industrial Council was unanimously approved by local authorities and other representative bodies, as a means of safeguarding Scotland's industrial position?

Mr. Johnston

The conference was attended by representatives of local authority associations, chambers of commerce, the Scottish Trades Union Congress, the Scottish Development Council and financial interests. Government Departments concerned with industrial production in Scotland were also represented. The meeting decided unanimously to constitute themselves forthwith as a provisional Standing Scottish Industrial Council. This body will advise the Secretary of State, and the Scottish Council of Ex-Secretaries, on questions relating to the location of industry in Scotland so as to assist in securing that the industrial position of Scotland is fully safeguarded. I hope I may have an opportunity of explaining more fully the purposes of the council in the course of Debates on going into Committee of Supply on the Civil Estimates, or during discussion of the Scottish Estimates.

Mr. Kirkwood

Is it not the fact that this Council is composed of the very same individuals who have led Scotland into the position in which it is at the moment?

Mr. Johnston

I hope that my hon. Friend will not pursue that line. We are trying, whatever the past may have been, to safeguard the future.

Mr. Kirkwood

Does it not require new blood, and not the old school tie?