§ 26. Mr. Mathersasked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware of the inconvenience caused to voluntary contributors for National Health Insurance owing to stamps for this purpose not being on sale at the smaller post offices and sub-offices; and whether he will make arrangements to remedy this position?
§ The Postmaster-General (Mr. W. S. Morrison)Standing rules provide that all post offices shall carry stocks of those denominations of stamps for which there is a regular demand and that if stamps of any denomination not ordinarily stocked are asked for, an offer must be made to obtain them specially. If the hon. Member will let me have the names of any post offices at which these rules are not observed, I will gladly look into the matter.
§ Mr. MathersWill the right hon. Gentleman draw attention to this statement, in order that those who require these stamps shall be able to get them at the post offices which are most convenient to them?
§ Mr. MorrisonI will look into that point, but this is perfectly well known at post offices. The rules are as I have described them.