HC Deb 10 December 1942 vol 385 cc1674-5
6. Sir Patrick Hannon

asked the Minister of Labour the policy of His Majesty's Government on the extended organisation of hostels and working girls' clubs for munition workers in industrial centres; and whether he is satisfied with the activities of the hostels and clubs already in operation?

Mr. Bevin

With my colleagues who are responsible for the Supply Departments, I have the needs of transferred workers in these respects constantly under review, and where further provision is found to be necessary active steps are taken to see that it is forthcoming so far as is reasonably possible in view of the competing demands for building labour and material for other urgent national purposes. I am satisfied that the hostels and clubs which have already been established on a substantial scale in accordance with this policy are rendering very valuable service.

Sir P. Hannon

Is it the policy of the Minister of Labour to assist in the promotion of these institutions as far as he possibly can?

Mr. Bevin

Yes, I am having a further survey made at the present moment to try and increase their numbers rapidly.

Mr. Kenneth Lindsay

And to assist them financially?

Sir Richard Acland

Should individual cases where it is alleged that food in these hostels is not adequate be addressed to the right hon. Gentleman's Department?