HC Deb 11 September 1941 vol 374 cc291-3
44. Sir W. Davison

asked the Home Secretary the total number of persons employed in London Regional Headquarters for Civil Defence on 1st August, 1940, and 1st August, 1941, respectively; and the reason for the increase?

Mr. H. Morrison

The total number of persons employed in London Regional Headquarters for Civil Defence on 1st August, 1940, was 280, and on 1st August, 1941, was 551. These figures included 40 and 84 officers respectively who are attached to Regional Headquarters from other organisations. In addition, on the 1st August, 1941, 89 officers, although employed by the regional commissioners, were not working at Regional Headquarters but with local authorities and military units in the region. The increase in staff has been made necessary by the organisation, as the result of war experience, of new services such as fire prevention and the clearance of debris. In addition, there has been a large delegation of powers to the regional commissioners by myself and my right hon. Friend the Minister of Health; in particular, the improvements in the provision, organisation and control of shelters have required considerable staff. My hon. Friend will not forget that in August, 1940, there had been no heavy raiding, and that since that date we have passed through a winter of blitzes. We must be prepared for another winter of heavy raiding.

Sir W. Davison

Is it not the case that the local authorities have full control and are responsible for all these local services, and that this central Regional Headquarters are mainly called upon to act only in a supervisory capacity? Is such a large increase necessary when they have so little active control?

Mr. Morrison

I am quite sure that this increase is necessary in the light of the events of last winter. It must be remembered that the prevailing feeling in this House has been that we must support the co-ordination of local authorities in the exercise of their duties.

Miss Cazalet

Is my right hon. Friend aware that most of us in London are very well pleased with and grateful for the splendid work that the London Regional Headquarters have done?

Mr. Morrison

I am much obliged to my hon. Friend, and I think her tribute is well deserved.

61. Sir W. Davison

asked the Home Secretary what is the total cost of London Regional Headquarters for Civil Defence; what is the sum paid in salaries; and how many of such salaries are £800 per annum and over?

Mr. Morrison

The approximate annual cost of the London Regional Headquarters for Civil Defence is £289,000, of which £202,000 is in respect of salaries. This figure for salaries includes not only the administrative and clerical staff but also technical and regional officers attached to headquarters with operational responsibilities. There are 25 officers with salaries of £800 or over.

Sir W. Davison

Is my right hon. Friend aware that I did not intend in my Question to suggest any criticism of the splendid work done by the London Regional Headquarters, which is much appreciated, but is it necessary to have all these very highly-paid officers in addition to the staff which has done such good work in the past?

Mr. Morrison

I am very much obliged to my hon. Friend for his explanation, but the fact is that there is a great deal of high grade operational work to be done at the London Regional Headquarters.

Miss Cazalet

Are there any women among the 25 officers?

Mr. Morrison

I cannot say without notice.