HC Deb 09 September 1941 vol 374 c34
62. Mr. Craven-Ellis

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can give an explanation for the decline in the total of war savings from small investors at a time when money wages were never higher?

Sir K. Wood

The weekly figure for small savings during August, 1941, was 23 per cent, higher than that for August, 1940. Although for some time past it was less than in the early months of this year, the main reasons were, in my view, the holiday season and the fact that, by the end of May, the great majority of communities had held their War Weapons Weeks. The country will, I believe, realise that the volume of savings must be raised again as quickly as possible and ascend to new high levels.

Mr. Craven-Ellis

In view of the fact that the payments for August this year are 23 per cent, above those for August last year, does my right hon. Friend accept that as an indication that the Government are getting more than they should from this source?

Sir K. Wood

No, I hope that the payments will be considerably increased.