HC Deb 23 October 1941 vol 374 cc1890-1
27. Mr. F. Anderson

asked the Minister of Health the terms of the instructions sent to Assistance Board officers for applications for supplementary pensions for householder and non-householder, respectively?

Mr. E. Brown

The Regulations indicate quite specifically how a supplementary pension is to be assessed according as the applicant is a householder or a non-householder, and the Board's instructions provide accordingly. If my hon. Friend has in mind any case where he feels that effect has not been given to the Regulations, and cares to let me have the details, I will have inquiries made.

Mr. Anderson

Is it within the province of an Assistance Board officer to decide whether, when a request is made by a Member of Parliament about a particular case, the Member shall be shown the instructions issued to the officers or not? If not, how are we to know whether the Regulation is being properly carried out?

Mr. Brown

Perhaps my hon. Friend will confer with me, and I will try to help him. His question is in very wide terms.

Mr. George Griffiths

Is the Minister aware that Assistance Board officers will not allow Members of Parliament to see the instructions at all? They almost order us out of the office.

Mr. Anderson

May I press for an answer as to whether, on request, a Member of Parliament should be granted by the Assistance Board officer the right of seeing the instructions?

Mr. Brown

I should like to see that question in more precise terms.

Mr. Charles Williams

Is my right hon. Friend aware that these officers are usually very helpful to Members of Parliament?

Mr. Shinwell

Is the Minister not running away from the question?

Mr. Brown

I never run away from anything.