HC Deb 23 October 1941 vol 374 cc1885-6
18. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Home Secretary what right of appeal against disciplinary penalties men and women air-raid precautions workers possess; what is the correct procedure in such appeals; and whether penalties imposed or threatened must correspond to some central standard or code or whether these penalties are left to the judgment of local officers?

Mr. H. Morrison

For the National Fire Service, there is a discipline code prescribed in the Second Schedule to the National Fire Service (General) Regulations, 1941. This code lays down standard penalties for specific offences and provides machinery for appeal. As regards the Local Authority Civil Defence General Services, orders made under Defence Regulation 29.B inter alia provide penalties for a person employed with remuneration who (a) disobeys any lawful order given to him in the course of that employment, or (b) without reasonable excuse is absent from any place at a time when it is his duty to be there in the course of that employment. The procedure follows the ordinary processes of law.

Mr. Sorensen

Could the Minister not propose that there should be some method of appeal corresponding to that for the A.F.S., or in some other way, to meet the legitimate grievances of A.R.P. workers?

Mr. Morrison

I cannot believe that my hon. Friend has read the Order. I think he is altogether behind the times. He is talking about conditions before the new arrangements were made. If he will consult the Order, he will find that there are proper avenues for appeals and consideration.

Mr. Sorensen

Is my right hon. Friend aware that I have had a communication from A.R.P. workers in two areas complaining that they cannot get redress in that way?

Mr. Morrison

I am talking particularly of the fire services, but the Trades Union Consultative Committee is empowered to raise these matters, and I shall be glad to consider any representations they may make.

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