HC Deb 22 October 1941 vol 374 cc1778-80
49. Major Lyons

asked the Lord President of the Council whether, in view of the present limitations of the smaller manufacturer, he is satisfied that the existing machinery and organisation of the Department of Scientific Research provide adequate facilities for the experimentation and manufacture and test of likely inventions and forms of apparatus which may be submitted to it for war purposes; and whether he will procure and make available in approved cases a number of small factories able to undertake general development of work of this kind?

Sir J. Anderson

Inventions and suggestions for war purposes submitted to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research are immediately sent forward for expert examination by the appropriate Defence or Supply Ministry. I am satisfied that the existing organisation of the Department is adequate to carry out the preliminary sifting required. Responsibility for further action on such submissions, including experimentation, manufacture, or testing, rests on the Ministry concerned. The second part of the Question does not, therefore, arise.

Major Lyons

Is the right hon. Gentleman satisfied with the present obstacles which appear to be put in the way, on every hand, of members of the public in this matter?

Sir J. Anderson

I have given very close personal attention to this matter myself. I am aware of the feeling to which my hon. and gallant Friend refers. There is, in fact, in my opinion, no justification for it. If I may give my reasons in a few words, they are that, in the first place, a great many people who come forward with suggestions, who think they have a useful idea, have really travelled a very short distance along an already well-trodden road, but, for reasons of security, it is in most cases quite impossible for the Department to explain to those persons exactly what is being done and what has been achieved. Almost inevitably, some sense of frustration is caused when that happens. The other kind of case in my experience is where someone comes forward with a proposal or an idea which undoubtedly is soundly based, but the Department after considering the extent to which resources, material and knowledge and skill might have to be employed to develop the idea to the full, come to the conclusion that those resources, materials, and knowledge and skill might be more profitably diverted to other channels.