HC Deb 22 October 1941 vol 374 cc1784-5
60. Mr. Burke

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food why it is proposed to change the system for the transportation of meat from the Burnley abattoirs, seeing that the present system, which was set up by the area meat committee, has given satisfaction to all concerned?

Major Lloyd George

The provision of road transport for meat is now undertaken by the Ministry of War Transport. The change to which my hon. Friend refers will, it is anticipated, result in a saving in fuel and vehicles, but will not impair the efficient distribution of meat to retailers at Burnley.

Mr. Burke

Can the right hon. and gallant Gentleman say why this scheme has been changed, seeing that this has been done by the local retailers since 1939 at a cost of one-eighth of a penny a lb., whereas the Wholesale Meat Supply Association gets 2½ per cent. on the 1938 turnover and has already made a profit of £85,000?

Major Lloyd George

This is taking the country as a whole. It is, I believe, possible that in the constituency of my hon. Friend the transport used may remain as it is, but this is purely a question of trying to save transport where it can be saved, and I have no doubt that a great deal can be saved.

Mr. Burke

Does the right hon. and gallant Gentleman mean that the particular area to which I have referred can carry on as heretofore?

Major Lloyd George

I cannot say in that particular area, but it may be the case in some areas.

Mr. G. Griffiths

Do we understand that the expense at the present time will be less than the supposed or expected expense from the new scheme where the old scheme will still remain in particular localities?

Major Lloyd George

We are taking the question as a whole, and, as I said in my Answer, the new system is to save transport as much as possible.