HC Deb 15 October 1941 vol 374 cc1363-5
44. Mr. David Adams

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware of large sales to the public of articles described as egg substitute; that these substances, often being sold in small packages, obtain high prices from the public; and whether he will take steps to ensure either that they contain a specified percentage of egg, or that they shall carry labels making it clear to the consumer that they do not contain egg?

45. Mr. Mathers

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether, in taking decisions regarding the prices charged for food substitutes, he will take into account the genuine attempt to evolve a product containing all the active properties of the original except its full food value; is he aware that certain local authorities are trying to set a standard for egg substitute based on coloured baking powder, and prosecuting firms making a more efficient egg substitute; and has he any statement to make?

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Major Lloyd George)

An Order has recently been made which provides that no person shall, by way of trade or business, engage in the manufacture of any food substitute except under, and in accordance with the terms of a licence; and that no person shall sell any food substitute except in the same container in which, and under the same label and description under which, it was sold by the manufacturer. Steps will be taken to ensure that manufacturers of satisfactory substitutes only will be licensed, and I have every hope that this Order will put an end to abuses of the type mentioned by my hon. Friend the Member for Consett (Mr. David Adams) of which I am well aware. Consideration will be given to the point raised by my hon. Friend the Member for Linlithgow (Mr. Mathers) when licences to manufacture are granted. I am not aware of the practice of certain local authorities to which he refers, but I will be happy to consider any further particulars he is able to send me.

Mr. Adams

Can the Minister say what penalties are associated with this type of fraud?

Major Lloyd George

No, Sir, I cannot.

Mr. Mathers

Would the Minister be willing to see those who are interested in this matter?

Major Lloyd George indicated assent.

50. Mr. Douglas

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the. Minister of Food whether he is now able to make any statement regarding the proposal that vendors of food substitutes should be required to disclose on each package the precise composition of the article sold?

Major Lloyd George

It is considered that the provisions of the Food Substitutes (Control) Order will provide adequate and effective means whereby the exploitation of the public can be prevented. This will not necessarily be accomplished by the disclosure of the composition of food substitutes upon the package but by preventing unjustifiable and extravagant claims being made for the products.

Mr. Douglas

Is it not as necessary that people should know the composition of food substitutes as of drugs and medicines?

Major Lloyd George

Certainly, though I would remind my hon. Friend that when the requirement to specify on the outside of a patent medicine what was inside was introduced, to everybody's consternation it rather increased the sales.