HC Deb 15 October 1941 vol 374 cc1368-9
52. Mr. Keeling

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that although the maximum price of horseflesh for dogs and cats was fixed at 8d. per pound it is being sold at 1s. 3d. per pound, free of coupon, with a certificate that it is fit for human consumption; whether it is his intention to forbid anyone to give dogs or cats meat fit for for human consumption; and whether he will fix the maximum price of all horseflesh at 8d. per pound?

Major Lloyd George

I am aware that evasions of the Meat Feeding Stuffs (Control and Maximum Prices) Order, 1941, are taking place in the manner described and steps are being taken to prevent it. As regards the second part of the Question, the matter is regulated by the Waste of Food Order, 1940. Under that Order it would be open to a court to rule that the feeding to animals of food fit for human consumption is a breach of the Order, but the circumstances in each case would have to be considered. As regards the last part of the Question, the fixing of maximum prices for horseflesh for feeding to animals is already prescribed under the Order referred to.

Mr. Keeling

But what about fixing a maximum price for all horseflesh—is there any intention to do that?

Major Lloyd George

The question of fixing a maximum price for horseflesh intended for human consumption is under active consideration at the present moment.