HC Deb 15 October 1941 vol 374 cc1369-70
55. Mr. Parker

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware that there is dissatisfaction about the operation of the egg scheme; and whether it will now be revised to include all producers with more than 20 hens, so as to secure a bigger winter ration?

Major Lloyd George

I am aware that there was dissatisfaction about the egg scheme, but the scheme is now working much better. The question of including producers with 50 birds and less was carefully considered before the scheme was brought into operation, and my Noble Friend is not at present prepared compulsorily to extend the scheme to cover such producers. There is, however, a financial inducement for such producers to sell their eggs to the Ministry and u large number of them are doing so.

Mr. Parker

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that a very large proportion of the eggs consumed in the country are produced by people having between 20 and 50 birds, which makes a very large gap in the whole scheme and leads to considerable discontent?

Major Lloyd George

Naturally if any classes are exempt we do not get all the eggs, but we have given a special inducement to those now exempted to come into the scheme. It is a very good financial inducement, and many of them have taken advantage of it.